PER 2000 - PEMF Therapy

Pulsed Energy Technolgies

The PER 2000 Mini


PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field. The PEMF process involves generating and directing powerful, pulsed energy waves toward damaged or injured areas of the patient’s body. These waves quickly pass through the cells in the damaged region, increasing the spin of the electrons contained within them as a result.

It is this amplified electron spinning which restores the cell’s transmembrane potential (its energy), and brings the cell to homeostasis at the same time. Unlike some other forms of CAM, which only provide temporary relief, this positive cellular effect lasts for as many as four days after the session has ended. Essentially, PEMF therapy is the induction of electricity into the cells to help stimulate or promote potential improvements.

High Powered PEMF therapy is cutting-edge technology that pulses a healing magnetic field directly to injured tissue in the body to stimulate cellular repair and speed up the healing process. The body wants to heal, and pulsed energy is a way to restore energy at the cellular level. It goes right to the injury. The PER 2000 re-energizes damaged cells by inducing electrical charges within the cell and restoring health. In the process, cellular metabolism is boosted, blood cells are regenerated and circulation is improved.



Perhaps the easiest way to understand PEMF is to think in terms of each cell in your body as if it were a little battery. Like with any battery, sometimes your cells become tired and worn, whether due to age, stress, overuse, or damage, making it more difficult for them to fight off any type of potentially damaging force or illness.

Through PEMF therapy, your batteries (i.e. your cells) essentially become recharged. The energy supplied via PEMF devices gives cells the energy they need to ward off whatever is threatening them, whether it’s trauma or a disease-based attack. This makes it easier for your patient’s body to restore its health naturally, simply by using the electrical currents and impulses that are already interacting within and throughout their cells. In essence, high-powered PEMF is like a “battery re-charger” for your depleted cells.

Science has proven that damaged, weak cells have an imbalanced electrical charge (similar to that of a low battery). When voltage of the cell is compromised, the cell membrane loses permeability, oxygen and nutrients cannot flow into the cell, and waste and toxins accumulate inside the cell. The body's natural ability has been compromised and dysfunctions such as inflammation start. 

PEMF cell response


The body is made up of cells. Cells pull oxygen and nutrients in through the cell membrane to metabolize as energy; and push the waste and toxins out. This in and out process creates a magnetic field, or charge, around each cell. The pulsing magnetic field from a PEMF device turns on and off. The stretching and relaxing opens the cell membranes and improves the cells permeability. This allows the cell to bring in oxygen and nutrients, push out waste and toxins... ultimately reducing inflammation and pain. This magnetic field is naturally attracted to the unhealthy cells and goes around the healthy cells because they already have a magnetic field around them.  

Microscopic Cells Before and After

The cells are clumped together, irregular shaped. They are compromised and not able to do their function. Damaged, weak cells have an imbalanced magnetic field.  
The cells are moving freely, they are plumped up and doing what cells are supposed to do. They are now able to pull in oxygen & nutrients to metabolize as energy and release or push toxins (the bad things) out of the cell. 

Who Can Use It? 

Athletes using the PER 2000

Just about everyone can use the PER 2000. From young to old and from professional athletes to “Weekend Warriors.” Most importantly, everyday people like us who just feel rundown, fatigued, stressed out or exhausted always have a good reason for some “Energy Support” from the PER 2000.

Dr. Sansone started using the PER 2000 in 2016, following a post surgical complete ACL tear for recovery and rehab. 

All of your body’s cells produce a magnetic field which can be stimulated by the electromagnetic field generated by the PEMF device. This is important for health because if the voltage of your body’s cells drops below a certain level, that can make you ill. By increasing the voltage of these cells, PEMF therapy can have several effects on your body, including:

* improving blood circulation
* decreasing inflammation
* stimulating muscle tissue
* enhancing cellular repair
* improving the immune system
* aiding in bone healing

Is It Safe?  

YES! PEMF therapy is a safe, non-invasive, virtually side-effect-free treatment option that can help to treat chronic pain, reducing pain levels, and improving functioning and wellbeing. In 30 plus years of research, study, and mainstream use there have been no reported negative side effects with the use PEMF! 

Research, Science and History 

The Ultimate Guide to PEMF ( 

Visit the link for more information on the PER 2000 Infomercial 2009 - YouTube 

Case Studies on non-musculo-skeletal conditions with the PER 2000 

Clinical trials showing that PEMF therapy is an effective treatment for these conditions, including:

* fibromyalgia (
* back pain (
* cervical osteoarthritis (
* knee osteoarthritis (
* persistent rotator cuff tendinitis (
* chronic postoperative pain (

In all of these cases, PEMF therapy reduced pain, and many patients also reported higher levels of wellbeing and lower levels of disability. There are also few, if any, side effects from using PEMF therapy. This makes it an attractive treatment option compared to invasive surgical procedures or pain medications that could have side effects.

 To experience this technology to get your health back on track by addressing the cellular component of your complaint or if you are looking to support your cell health for wellness request an appointment and add "PEMF" note to doctor and Sansone Chiropractic will call back during business hours to schedule you for a $10 Discovery Introductory Appointment.

Sansone Chiropractic offers the PER 2000 Mini - Contact the office 724-519-2704 or by email to request an appointment (add PEMF in note to doctor)

Contraindicators for PEMF - Pregnant, History of epileptic seizures, Active or diagnosed malignancies, or Electronic implants/Pacemaker. 

Individual results may vary. 
The contents of this website do not constitute medical, legal, or any other type of professional advice. Information related to various health, medical, and fitness conditions and their treatment is not meant to be a substitute for the advice provided by a physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing a health, fitness, problem or disease.  Consult your healthcare professional for information on the courses of treatment, if any, which may be appropriate for you.

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